Become our supplier

Mercamer is the market leader in Finland for packaging supplies and machines. We have been in the business for more than 50 years and have built a solid customer base and a stellar reputation for being a reliable and trustworthy partner.

As our supplier, you will get a head start to reaching the Finnish packaging market.

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If you are interested in becoming a supplier for us, please fill in the form and we will be in touch shortly!

Tilaa huolto

Jos lähetät koneen huollettavaksi: Huoltopyyntö-lomakkeen lähettämisen jälkeen avautuu ikkuna, josta voit tulostaa tiedot lähtevän laitteen mukaan. Liitä tuloste koneen mukaan ja toimita kone osoitteeseen:
Mercamer Oy
Uutistie 3 B
01770 VANTAA

If you are a supplier and need to send product images to Mercamer please read: